
Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain – and most fools do.

Benjamin Franklin

If the majority of a leader’s rhetoric is spent identifying as a victim and consumed with conspiracy theories. Chances are they have little time and capacity to really care about anyone other than them self.

If the theme of the talk is always to criticize others, condemn and complain about others in order to build them self-up, chances are the leader knows nothing about setting self aside in an effort to bring people of different opinions together to find common ground.

Just as in a boat we may be on different side of the boat, but if we are rowing in different directions we’ll never go forward and will just spend in a circle of confusion.

Words Matter, the words of a leader not only matter but can change stock markets, comfort those who are afraid, and bring light in the midst of darkness. Words matter, a wise leader builds wide. A fool shrinks and divides.       

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