Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.
The SILENCE of the good people is more DANGEROUS than the BRUTALITY of the bad people.
In today’s world and more specifically our Country, there are those who are quick to tell you they are not racist. They will try to impart to you that they do not see color and they have friends of all colors.
The fact of the matter is what they are saying may be very true, but, and but is the key word here, If you are not racist and you say nothing about perceived racism or pretend it does not exist, then you are complicit with the views of those who promote hate.
If a person supports or condones those who are racist, they are complicit with the message of hate being promoted. During slavery not everyone was in support of slavery. Even in the south there was people who did not agree with it, but a vast majority who did not agree also did not speak out. As a result slavery became a way of life in our country for over 400 years.
Today, is the right time to end the silence on injustice. Your voice can make a change. History is being recorded and the silence of many will be viewed by future generations as a loud voice support for injustice and equality.