Division is a mindset that Destroys a nation

Division never grows a society; division is the process of separation. Separation is the process of isolation. Isolation is the process of exclusiveness. Exclusiveness is the point where a group or subgroup feels entitled to take preeminence over any other group which is not like them.  In order for the promotion of division to be deemed successful, it requires the manipulation of feelings. Feelings are not always a derivative of facts but can most often be a manipulation of thought.   

The statements “I feel”, I think,” and “I believe”, become “I know” when driven by enough supporting influence. Once a person has reached the consciousness of “I know” then it becomes very difficult for them to accept any alternative to their newly formed perception of thought. We live in a day where division has taken center stage in every facet of our society. From politics to the pandemic, from racial injustice to religion. Every side is solidified in the belief that they stand for what is right because they feel, think, believe and now know they are right and whatever alternative is presented before them is wrong.

The promoters of division understand and take full advantage of power associated with being at the top of such promotion. They understand that truth is just a minor obstacle which can be destroyed by a lie that is repeated over and over again. They use this power for their own personal objectives having the followers believing what they say is in the follower’s best interest. Remember those in the “I know” stage are not accepting to any alternative which does not comport with what they believe they know. This is because the promoter’s greatest accomplishment is to transform themselves into truth. Once the promoter of division becomes truth to the followers then morals, values, rule of law and love for others they once valued dissolves into silence and conformity with the views of the promoter steering their ship of thought and reality.  

The promoters of division have a prime objective of forcing people to choose a side. Once swayed into choosing a side, the objective becomes to have them reject anything contrary to or in opposition to what side they have chosen believe. Anyone or anything that contradicts what they have been told becomes the enemy. You hear the term “enemy of the people” and “unpatriotic” used to label anyone who questions or opposes the promoter’s objective. 

This is where we are as a country; the seeds of discord and division have been sown deep into the fiber of who we are as a country. We have been delegated to hate and not conversation, to mistrust and not engagement and to delusion and not realism. Instead of listening for understanding, we seek to listen for an opportunity to condemn and ridicule. Instead of seeking a bridge of common ground, we seek to divide and destroy any pillars that would anchor a bridge of resolution and unity. 

Division always leads to the destruction of a culture or nation. The sad thing is that it is never understood until it has been destroyed. Can we reverse course and unite as country? Can we move forward in love and understanding? I don’t know. I do know love grows by multifaction and not division. I do know that I will do everything I can to support the pledge we as a country once made with one accord and believed, “…One Nation Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for All.” That’s where Real Truth can be found.          

“We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”

– Martin Luther King Jr.

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