It’s so sad that Donald T in his personal quest and divisiveness has made everything about choosing sides. It shouldn’t be us against them in the same country. Something as simple as wearing a mask to protect humanity was turned into an us against them.
BLM, Blue Lives Matter, it should be both, and we should be finding ways to fix and repair the disparities. Again, us against them – standing vs kneeling without considering the why’s. I believe our country’s pledge of allegiance ends with “And Justice For All.” That includes systemic and economic.
Just because one stands for the National Anthem, doesn’t make them more American or more patriotic than anyone else for so many reasons. To use and old metaphor, just because you stand in your garage doesn’t make you a car. It’s what you do after you stand that counts. Yet this president has turned it into an us against them. I hate the name patriot has been hijacked by those who are clueless to loving your neighbor as yourself or laying down their lives for a friend. It is perplexing to see those who to say proudly “I stand for the flag” and post it all over social media and literally in the same breath say, “I will not wear a mask, I have my rights.” So, you stand for the flag as a patriot but won’t wear a mask for humanity? How crazy is that?
In addition, I don’t understand how anyone can have the audacity to think they are better than anyone else God created. A country that does not evolve will eventually dissolve as many of the great civilizations of the past. Donald has been allowed to regurgitate the underlying hate of the past and amplify it through fear of women being raped and property values depleting. it’s like a George Wallace resurrection. However, I am more baffled by my friends who continue make excuses for him and continue to give him a mulligan time and time again. We don’t have a choice as to the color of our skin, but we do have a choice as to how we act within the cover given to us by God. As a vet I hold the 5-time draft dodger as a stain to democracy. I don’t believe this new experiment of extreme division will survive the hope of love, peace and unity that is still alive in our country. I still have hope for unity and a better future.